CLICQ! can be customized and implemented at national, subnational, or local levels. Programs should clearly define their specific goals and objectives prior to implementation.
The scope of CLICQ! can be customized to focus on specific clinical entry points to the TB cascade (e.g., ART clinics, TB clinics, OPDs) and/ or specific patient populations of interest (e.g., drug-resistant, pediatric and/ or HIV-associated TB patients). The predefined scope and customization will guide participant selection and DiCE toolkit modification.
The CLICQ! User Guide and the DiCE Adaptation Guide are comprehensive descriptions for new users to implement CLICQ!. These guides (under the CLICQ! Materials tab) will provide detailed instructions on DiCE customization, site selection, learning sessions, budget development, and program impact.


Ready to get started?

For information on how to begin implementing CLICQ! at the national-, state-, local-, or facility level, click below. Resources include training materials on continuous quality improvement (CQI), tools for data abstraction and review, other strengthening activities.