Customize DiCE

Each TB program will have country-specific registers that document patients and specimens as they progress through the TB diagnostic cascade. The utility of the DiCE toolkit is predicated upon its resemblance to the national registers. Therefore, each program should customize the DiCE toolkit such that it reflects the order of variables and content included in the national registers.

After DiCE toolkit customization, the toolkit must be mock-field-tested to ensure that the implementation team has a thorough understanding of data abstraction, data entry into the DiCE toolkit, and data analysis. Review of DiCE toolkit performance and data quality should be conducted, post field-test. Prior to launching CLICQ!, the DiCE toolkit should be finalized and validated. DiCE toolkit validation will ensure that all formulas and links between cells and worksheets are functioning properly. The implementation team should independently calculate a small sample of cells to ensure expected results are returned. Refer to the CLICQ! Users Guide for more information.

Budget Development:

Many local factors will influence the total CLICQ! implementation budget, including (but not limited to) rates for local site visits, lodging, per diem, expert partners, and mentors, stationery, and conference and meeting rooms. Table 1 below contains a list of items that programs should consider when allocating and sourcing funding for CLICQ! implementation. Refer to the CLICQ! Users Guide for more information.

Stakeholders’ Workshop:

The purpose of the Stakeholders’ Workshop is to bring together CLICQ! stakeholders to discuss the final details prior to launching CLICQ! Stakeholders should be identified and invited to the workshop. Stakeholders should include those with authority and oversight (e.g., National/subnational MoH personnel from both TB and HIV disease programs, facility managers and administration) and those with a vested interest in CLICQ! (e.g., implementing staff, partner staff, clinic/laboratory staff). Refer to the companion presentation template that can be modified (as needed) prior to workshop. Refer to the CLICQ! Users Guide for more information.
Diagnostic Cascade Evaluation Toolkit: DiCE-2021 Download
Stakeholders Workshop Presentation Download
DiCE Adaptation Guide Download

Ready to get started?

For information on how to begin implementing CLICQ! at the national-, state-, local-, or facility level, click below. Resources include training materials on continuous quality improvement (CQI), tools for data abstraction and review, other strengthening activities.